Invitro Fertilization (IVF)
The field of In Vitro Fertilization has made dramatic advances throughout the past several years resulting in much improved pregnancy and delivery rates.
IVF involves the process by which the oocytes (eggs) are taken out through the vagina from the female partner's stimulated ovaries and mixed with sperm from the male partner to subsequently fertilize outside of the body in a dish- the term In Vitro Fertilization literally means "in a dish".
The fertilized pre-embryo are then closely monitored by some of the most knowledgeable laboratory scientists in the field so that they can continue to develop in the best possible environment until they are ready to transfer back to the uterus (2-5) days after fertilization.
Exciting changes in growing and selecting embryo have developed recently allowing the physician to only return to you the best embryo possible and maximizing your chances at pregnancy.
In Vitro Fertilization can be a very successful option for those couples who cannot conceive other ways. Physicians and laboratories both play a key role in the success of your IVF cycle. Making an informed choice about the Physician and Laboratory that care for you are of utmost importance. Dr. Gomez specializes in the field of advanced reproductive medicine and has many hours of training and has the experience necessary for you to have the best chance for a successful stimulation. The laboratory in which Dr. Gomez uses for the In Vitro Fertilization is certified and staffed with highly trained and experienced personnel.
For more information about the In Vitro Fertilization process or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gomez and The Reproductive Medicine Institute, please call us at 407-281-9229.
We look forward to serving you.